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Get Active: volunteer, experience, connect with the natural world and put animal magic into your life! 

Wildlife gardening - how to get started

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We have done lots of things to encourage wildlife into our garden in the last few years and we've been rewarded with lots of different species of birds.   We've also had a frog or two, and bees and butterflies, dragonflies and a couple of hedgehogs.  

Our neighbour is very good with identifying different types of birds and says he's spotted over 60 species of our feathered friends in the neighbourhood which is really good to hear.

Rewild your garden with tips from Springwatch
Rewild your garden with tips from Springwatch

So far, in our garden we've....

  • Put up a log pile (or more accurately, we've put a pile of logs in a quiet corner which the insects seem to like
  • Put out a hedgehog house with a water bowl (also in a quiet corner so that the hedgehogs can have some peace)
  • Stuck up a little bee house and a butterfly hotel
  • Planted lots of flowers for wildlife - ones the bees and butterflies will LOVE!
  • Put out two or three bird feeders
  • Dug out a very small wildlife pond which we did in lockdown.  
  • Let our garden overgrow in some parts and let the lawn grow, grow, grow

We love looking out of the window to see who is in the garden paying a visit and I'm sure there's more we can do to encourage the wildlife.  

The Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve' is great for pollinators

Top 10 patio plants for bees

If you're looking for hints and tips, and ways to get started, a great place to start is the RHS website.  They have a particular section of the site for wildlife gardening and however much you have done already or want to do, there could be something there to spark off an idea or an activity.

Head off here to see their section on Wildlife Gardening.  Take it a step at a time;  it's the sort of thing you could do a step a month.

By the way, you could do something as simple as pot a plant for pollinators - just get a pot and stick some bee and/or butterfly friendly flowers in it.  All you need is the pot, soil, compost (and you can make your own) the seeds and a small space, so it's very easy to do.


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