RSPB Shop - everything for the birds in your garden


Are you on the look-out for offers on bird food and everything for the wildlife in your garden? Well, the RSPB’s shop  often have lots of special offers.  

This is a great chance to stock up and support wildlife at the same time!  You can help wildlife in your garden (birds, bees, hedgehogs etc) and also help the RSPB help wildlife too!

The RSPB have everything from bird seed, suet for birds, mealworms, and peanuts as well.   Plus bird baths, birdnesting boxes (some are species specific e.g. for sparrows and swallows), bird feeders, bird tables, nesting stations, and accessories.  Feeding the birds and caring for the wildlife in your garden is a great way to look after the natural world - and you'll soon find that you can enjoy your own nature show!  There's nothing like seeing them all arrive expectantly, and then tucking in to the lovely things you've put out for them.

With all the cold weather most of us are now experiencing, this is a good time to stock up on bird food and everything your feathered friends need to get through the winter and thrive.   And not only that, January sees the annual RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch 2025!    In 2025, it takes place from the 24th to 26th January.  

How to take part in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch:

  1. Register online (it's free and easy to do)
  2. During the weekend of 24th to 26th January 2025, choose an hour to watch the birds in your garden or local park.   Record what you see (the RSPB has more information on what they need to know).
  3. Tell the RSPB what you've seen - and also, if you haven't seen any birds too. 
    after you've done your bit... 
  4. The RSPB will then collate all the results and they get a good understanding of which birds are doing well and which need more help to survive and thrive.

There's an important extra step you can take after you've sent your results off.  Watch out for the results and see what you can do to help those species not doing so well.   The RSPB will give you ways in which you can do this, so it's worth keeping an eye out for the results.  Find out all about it and how to get involved here.

Introducing the Big Garden Birdwatch 2025 bundle...

Get ready for the Big Garden Birdwatch 2025
The Big Garden Birdwatch 2025 has  tasty and nutritious food for garden birds.
Find out all about it here.

Take a look at the bird food offers from the RSPB   - There are bird food sacks, many on offer, and bird care offers - bird feeders and bird tables etc.  There are also offers on products to care for the wildlife in your garden

Save on sacks of bird food 
Save on sacks of bird food - 
Add any two 12.75kg sacks of bird food to your basket and save £10!
This offer ends 21 January 2025.

Spend £30 and get the RSPB's box of 10 Favourites suet cakes half price!
Spend £30 and get the RSPB's box of 10 Favourites suet cakes half price!
They have even more protein and fat than the RSPB's super suet!
They are full of nutrients and will give garden birds lots of energy.
This offer is running until 10th April 2025, T&Cs appy.

There's a special offer on bird nest boxes
There's a special offer on bird nest boxes
- buy two nest boxes** and save £2!
**T&Cs apply

This Eco beacon feeder with feeder mix is now £14.00
This Eco beacon feeder with feeder mix is now £14.00
so £2 off.

Buy any bird feeder and get a Long handle feeder cleaning brush 
(R402041) for just £3 - saving £3.
Just add it to your shopping basket -the discount will be applied automatically.

Please don't forget water for wildlife!

Please don't forget water for wildlife!  
Your containers don't have to be as decorative as this - 
but this bird bath could make a nice present for a wildlife lover!
Fly off to see the RSPB's range of Water for Wildlife

Fly off to the RSPB's shop here