Help dogs


There's nothing like a waggy tail!   Every time I see a happy, healthy, loved dog, it gives me a tremendous feel-good factor.   I'm a firm believer that dogs make our lives better.  And there are plenty of ways to get involved in the dog world.  

Dog walking

Dog walking could be a great way to get active with a waggy tail & canine friend at your side.  A lot of animal charities need help so you could contact your local pet rescue or animal charity to find out what they need volunteers for.

Walking a dog could help your health & wellbeing:

  • You're more active which will help boost your metabolism and burn off those calories.
  • You could develop a new network of dog-loving friends.
  •  If you want to lose weight or boost your fitness levels, why not get a pedometer to put on your wrist and log all those miles you're walking?

Underdog International have a volunteer dog walking scheme - you can register here.  They want to impact on one million children and one million dogs  - and you can find out more here.

Help with dog care for the elderly

Help  care for a dog whose owner is elderly or terminally ill, or offer to walk a dog for a friend who is sick, or going through a tricky patch (such as a divorce) or an elderly neighbour who is beginning to find it hard to walk their dog daily. Your help can make the difference between the pet owner keeping the dog and giving him up. The Cinnamon Trust needs reliable volunteers who fully understand the magic of the animal-human bond to help with dog walking for owners who are elderly or terminally ill. And if you're looking for someone to help an elderly person or someone who is terminally ill with pet care, contact the Cinnamon Trust

Help train an assistance dog

Helping to Train an Assistance Dog.  Assistance Dogs UK list all their members such as Guide Dogs, Dogs for Good, Canine Partners, Hearing Dogs for the Deaf and so on.  Many assistance dog organisations look for people who will train puppies and take part in their early training.  You could also sponsor a dog.  
Foster a dog
Even if you cannot take a dog permanently, perhaps you could offer to FOSTER a dog i.e. offer temporary accommodation for a dog who is looking for a home but not doing well in kennels in a rescue centre. An example is the Pet Foster Support Service in Scotland 
Many charities also run "Sponsor a dog" schemes, so if you can have a dog at home with you, at least you can sponsor one.

Help out at your local animal rescue centre

There are hundreds of small and large centres round the country and they all need help. Even if they do not need hands-on-fur help, many will welcome your efforts to raise money for them through sponsored walks, runs, swims, slims and helping with all sorts of activities to help keep them going. See below for examples. This doesn't have to involve walking. One lady over 80 in New Zealand knits blankets and squares for her local animal charity.  And head off to social media - most animal charities have a presence on Facebook, TikTok, X, You Tube and so on.
Specialist Charities or groups caring for a breed eg. Border Terrier WelfareThe Edward Foundation (for Bulldogs), and Labrador Retriever Rescue Southern England
Spread the word.  Friends and family  throughout the world may be able to help.  Volunteering could be just the thing they are looking for!

Dog Grooming

Could this be a new career or business for you?  Franchises abound, and you could find yourself with a mobile grooming salon or setting up in business in conjunction with a kennel 

Caring for dogs who have retired

Many dogs give their lives in service to others, whether they are assisting someone with a disability, doing search and rescue or playing their role in the security services. Could you give these well trained and professional animals a well deserved retirement?

Many people prefer their animals to stay at home while they are sunning themselves on holiday, hence the growth of pet sitting services. Some companies (such as Homesitters) are always on the look out for reliable, trustworthy people to pet-sit.