It's Pet Dental Health Month - advice and special offers
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February is Pet Dental Health Month and a chance for you to review your pet’s dental health. As you’ll know from when you have toothache (ouch!), a painful mouth and teeth can mean a reduced appetite and feeling a bit rotten. It can also lead to some more serious health conditions.
Fortunately, there’s lots of advice online for pet owners on the subject of pet dental health.
The PDSA has a video on You Tube on how to check your cat’s teeth (!) They have an 8 point plan, to help you work out the state of your beloved cat’s mouth. Actually, it doesn’t look intrusive and it does look doable, even if you don’t manage to get all the steps achieved at once. Often it’s a matter of getting your pet used to you checking their mouths, bit by bit. The PDSA recommend you check your cat’s teeth every month. (They’ve also got a video on how to get your cat in a carrier.)
They’ve also got a plan for checking your dog’s teeth – as they say, it’s better to spot problems sooner rather than later. And they’ve got a plan for bunnies, as well!
There are lots of helpful videos that the PDSA have put together for pet owners which tackle problems pet owners may meet – including how to give your cat/dog a tablet – and these are on their You Tube channel. It’s worth getting to know the videos they’ve got, because you never know when you might need them, and also when you’re looking through them, you’ll probably see something which you can learn something from. Get your pet used to being handled, and life may be easier at the vet's.
Some pets will need far more time than others, so don't forget to go slow, and to reward them to make the experience a pleasurable one - a bit like dentists giving children something when they are good to make the visit a more positive one.
I’m off to find out how the PDSA suggest you put your cat in a carrier – out of sight and sound of our moggie, of course!
Head off to visit their PDSA You Tube channel here. And visit their Pet Health Hub here on their website – there’s lots of information there.
There are a number of products on the market, too - and being it Pet Dental Month, there are some great offers charging around.
Save 15% on Orafresh™ Dental Care Range
with Viovet until 23:59 on 27th February 2024
Applicable for the entire range. Offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time.
Save 10% on Lily’s Kitchen Woofbrush Natural Dental Chews for Dogs
with Viovet until 23:59 on 27th February 2024.
Applicable for Large, Medium and Small Dog variations. Packs of 7 chews only.
Offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time.
Save 28% on Dentalife Daily Oral Care Cat Treats
with Viovet until 23:59 on 27th February 2024.
Chicken 140g bags only.
Offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time
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